
See also googlescholar, ORCID, and researchgate. * indicates equal contribution

Key publications

Rosenblau G, Frolichs KMM, Korn CW (2023) A neuro-computational social learning framework to facilitate transdiagnostic classification and treatment across psychiatric disorders. Neurosci Biobeh Rev 149:105181 Link

Frolichs KMM, Rosenblau G, Korn CW (2022) Incorporating social knowledge structures into computational models. Nat Commun 13:6205 PDF, Preregistration Data & code

Korn CW, Bach DR (2019) Minimizing threat via heuristic and optimal policies recruits hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex. Nat Hum Behav 3:733-745. PDF, SOM, News & Views, Behavioral data & code, fMRI data

Korn CW, La Rosée L, Heekeren HR, Roepke S (2016) Social feedback processing in borderline personality disorder. Psychol Med 46:3:575-578. Link

Korn CW, Prehn K, Park SQ, Walter H, Heekeren HR (2012) Positively biased processing of self-relevant social feedback. J Neurosci 32:16832-16844. PDF


Kuper-Smith BJ, Korn CW (2023) Loss avoidance can increase and decrease cooperation. PDF Preregistrations 1 2 3 4 Data & code

Kuper-Smith BJ, Voulgaris A, Briken P, Fuss J, & Korn CW. (2022) Social preferences and psychopathy in a sample of male prisoners. PDF Data & code

Korn CW, Kerzel M, Redžepović S, Barros P, Heinrich S, Wermter S, Gläscher J (2021) Cross-modal emotion recognition: How similar are patterns between DNNs and humand fMRI data? Proceedings of the ICLR2021 Workshop on How Can Findings About The Brain Improve AI Systems? (Brain2AI@ICLR2021). PDF


Kuper-Smith BJ, Korn CW (2023) Linearly-additive decomposed 2 x 2 games: A primer for research. Collabra: Psychology 9:1: 84916. PDF

Flechsenhar A, Kanske P, Krach S, Korn CW, Bertsch K (2022) The (un)Learning of social functions and its significance for mental health. Clin Psychol Rev 98:102204 PDF

Korn CW, Wolf RC (2021) Negative valence systems in the system of research domain criteria: Empirical results and new developments. Nervenarzt Link

Korn CW, Rosenblau G (2020) How Do Teens and Adults Learn About Other People? Frontiers for Young Minds PDF

Bach DR, Castegnetti G, Korn CW, Gerster S, Melinscak F, Moser T (2018) Psychophysiological modelling – current state and future directions. Psychophysiology 55:11:e13214. PDF


Abivardi A, Korn CW, Rojkov I, Gerster S, Hurlemann R, Bach DR (2023) Acceleration of inferred neural responses to oddball targets in an individual with bilateral amygdala lesion compared to healthy control. Sci Rep 13:1:14550. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-41357-1

Kuper-Smith BJ, Doppelhofer L, Oganian Y, Rosenblau G, Korn CW (2021) Risk perception and optimism bias during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. R Soc Open Sci 8:11:210904. Link, Preregistration 1, Preregistration 2, Data & code.     

Doppelhofer LM, Hurlemann R, Bach DR, Korn CW (2021) Social motives in a patient with bilateral selective amygdala lesions: Shift in prosocial motivation but not in social value orientation. Neuropsychologia 162:108016. Link

Esser R, Korn CW, Ganzer F, Haaker J (2021) L-DOPA modulates activity in the vmPFC, nucleus accumbens and VTA during threat extinction learning in humans. eLife 10:e65280. PDF

Rosenblau G, Korn CW, Dutton A, Lee D, Pelphrey KA (2020) Neurocognitive mechanisms of social inferences in typical and autistic adolescents. Biol Psychiatry:CCNI 6:8:782-791. Link

Korn CW, Bach DR (2018) Heuristic and optimal policy computations in the human brain during sequential decision-making. Nat Commun 9:1:325. PDF, SOM, Review comments, Behavioral data, fMRI data

Bach DR, Korn CW, Vunder J, Bantel A (2018) Effect of valproate and pregabalin on human anxiety-like behaviour in a randomised controlled trial. Transl Psychiatry 8:1:157. PDF

Tzovara A, Korn CW, Bach DR (2018) Human Pavlovian fear conditioning conforms to probabilistic learning. PLoS Comput Biol 14:8:e1006243. PDF, Data 1, 2, 3, 4

Jeung H, Walther S, Korn CW, Bertsch K, Herpertz SC (2018) Emotional responses to receiving peer feedback on opinions in borderline personality disorder. Personal Disord 9:6:595-600. Link

Oganian Y, Heekeren HR, Korn CW (2018) Low foreign language proficiency reduces optimism about the personal future. Q J Exp Psychol 72:1:60-75. Link, Preregistration

Korn CW, Heekeren HR, Oganian Y (2018) The framing effect in a monetary gambling task is robust in minimally verbal language switching contexts. Q J Exp Psychol 72:1:52-59. Link

Rosenblau G, Korn CW, Pelphrey KA (2018) A computational account of  optimizing social predictions reveals that adolescents are conservative learners in social contexts. J Neurosci 38:4:974-988. Link

Korn CW, Vunder J, Miró J, Fuentemilla L, Hurlemann R, Bach DR (2017) Amygdala lesions reduce anxiety-like behavior in a human benzodiazepine-sensitive approach-avoidance conflict test. Biol Psychiatry 82:7:522-531. PDF, SOM

Korn CW, Ries J, Schalk L, Oganian Y, Saalbach H (2017) A hard-to-read font reduces the framing effect in a large sample. Psychonom Bull & Rev 25:2:696-703. Link, Preregistration

Rusch T, Korn CW, Gläscher J (2017) A two-way street between attention and learning. Neuron 93:2:256-258. Preview on Leong et al. in the same issue. Link

Korn CW, Staib M, Tzovara A, Castegnetti G, Bach DR (2016) A pupil size response model to assess fear learning. Psychophysiology 54:3:330-343. PDF, Data 1, 2, 3, 4

Korn CW, Bach DR (2016) A solid frame for the window on cognition: Modelling event-related pupil responses. J Vis 16:3:28. PDF

Korn CW, La Rosée L, Heekeren HR, Roepke S (2016) Processing of information about future life events in borderline personality disorder. Psychiatry Res 30:246:719-724. Link

Korn CW*, Rosenblau G*, Rodriguez Buritica JM, Heekeren HR (2016) Performance feedback is positively biased as predicted by attribution theory. PLoS One 11:2:e0148581. PDF

Oganian Y*, Korn CW*, Heekeren HR (2016) Language switching—but not foreign language use per se—reduces the framing effect. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn 42:1:140-148. Link

Korn CW, Bach DR (2015) Maintaining homoeostasis by decision-making. PLoS Comput Biol 11:5:e1004301. PDF, SOM

Prehn K*, Korn CW*, Bajbouj M, Klann-Delius G, Menninghaus W, Jacobs AM, Heekeren HR (2015) The neural correlates of emotion alignment in social interaction. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 10:435-443. Link

Garrett N*, Sharot T*, Faulkner P, Korn CW, Roiser PR, Dolan RJ (2014) Losing the rose tinted glasses: neural substrates of unbiased belief updating in depression. Frontiers Hum Neurosci 8:639. PDF

Korn CW, Fan Y, Zhang K, Wang C, Han S, Heekeren HR (2014) Cultural influences on social feedback processing of character traits. Frontiers Hum Neurosci 8:192. PDF

Korn CW*, Sharot T*, Walter H, Heekeren HR, Dolan RJ (2014) Depression is related to an absence of optimistically biased belief updating about future life events. Psychol Med 44:579-592. PDF

Castro RV*, Brito M*, Guiot E, Polito M, Korn CW, Hervé D, Girault J-A, Pauperdin-Tritsch D, Vincent P (2013) Striatal neurons have a specific ability to respond to phasic dopamine signals. J Physiol 591:3197-3124. Link

Meshi D, Biele G, Korn CW, Heekeren HR (2012) How expert advice influences decision making. PLoS One 7:e49748. PDF

Sharot T, Kanai R, Marston C, Korn CW, Rees G, Dolan RJ. (2012) Selectively altering belief formation in the human brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109:17058-17062.

Sharot T, Guitart-Masip M, Korn CW, Chowdhury R, Dolan RJ (2012) How dopamine enhances an optimism bias in humans. Curr Biol 22:1477-1481. PDF, SOM

Sharot T*, Korn CW*, Dolan RJ (2011) How unrealistic optimism is maintained in the face of reality. Nat Neurosci 14:1475-1479. PDF, SOM
